Wooden pallets form the cornerstone of the world economy, playing an essential part in global supply chains. Conservative estimates suggest that as many as two billion pallets are in use at any one time across the world. Many haulage companies reuse the same pallets over and over again, since a well-made pallet is highly-durable and can be reused multiple times, with care.
Of course, nothing lasts forever. The day-to-day wear and tear incurred during shipping can eventually lead to a pallet being too broken down for safe and effective use. Fortunately, wooden pallets can be repaired and reconditioned, giving them a whole new lease of life.
So what exactly are reconditioned wooden pallets and why should you be using them?

A reconditioned or repaired wooden pallet is any broken timber pallet that has been restored to its former condition. The process for doing this varies, depending on the specific issues with the pallet in question. Common forms of pallet repair include:
- replacing broken and missing boards
- replacing missing nails
- straightening warped and twisted boards
- ensuring all boards are flush with one another
Is It Safe?

Since high-quality wooden pallets can be repaired and reconditioned several times over their lifetime, they are a great way to prove your company’s green credentials. Reconditioning damaged pallets doesn’t just save the trees that would have to be cut down to make new, replacement pallets. It also saves the energy required to harvest those trees, mill the wood, construct the pallet, and heat-treat the finished product. With many transport companies having an unavoidably large carbon footprint, using reconditioned wooden pallets is an effective way to reduce it.
Wood prices are on the rise across the globe and this is affecting every industry sector, including shipping and haulage. Choosing to replenish your pallet stock with reconditioned wooden pallets, rather than newly-manufactured pallets is a smart business decision. Not only are you likely to save money, but you become more mindful of how your company manages its resources.